Asias Children has been working with a dynamic Lisu tribal leader named Ahtee Bee since 2009 to establish an orphanage and educational center at Hwi Nam Rin village in northern Thailand. This plan was delayed when typhoon Nargis struck southern Burma in May 2008 and substantial resources were directed to that disaster. Funding for the Burmese orphans increased and stabilized in 2009 and 2010.
With the Burmese orphanage out of crisis mode, Asias Children turned again to the promise of an orphanage in Ahtee Bee’s village of Hwi Nam Rin Thailand. In 2009 and 2010, funds were raised to purchase land for the orphanage. Villagers cleared the land and in early 2011 the land was leveled to prepare for an orphanage building that will accommodate up to 12 orphan children as well as functioning as an educational center for the village. To date, Asias Children has invested almost $10,000 to prepare to house and care for up to 12 orphans at Hwi Nam Rin village. The next hurdle for this project is to raise $5,625 for the concrete foundation of the structure. This will be the second largest expense for the $42,000 project.
Asias Children has been providing some support for Hwi Nam Rin children while the orphanage and educational center is being developed. In November, Asias Children provided funds to purchase warm clothes for six children, since the weather was turning cold.