Echoes of Glory – Episode 3: The Chief's Reply


The chief of the village sent for Hupasha to ask him why he had crossed the mountains in a snowstorm to visit his village.  Hupasha was very happy!  He could tell the chief of the village about Jesus!  Then he would tell the people in the village about Jesus!  Everyone would know about Jesus, and could be free!  They would not be afraid of the evil spirits anymore!  So Hupasha went to see the chief.
Hupasha went into a big house in the middle of the village.  It was very smoky, because a fire was burning inside.  The chief was sitting in the middle of the house.  All the chief’s friends were in the house with him.  Even one of the chief’s children was there.  His name was Jesse.  The chief told Jesse and the other children to go and play outside while he talked with Hupasha.  Hupasha talked and talked, and told the chief all about Jesus.  He thought the chief would be happy, and become a Christian.  After Hupasha spoke he waited to hear what the chief would say.
The chief said, “You are crazy!  You cannot stay in our village.  Since it is winter, I will not send you into the snow, but you must take your family to live across the fields, and you may not come into the village.  When the snows melt, you must leave!
Hupasha was sad that the chief would not follow Jesus.  But he still trusted God.  One day the children in the village became curious about the family that lived outside of

Echoes of Glory Episode 2: The Family is Lost in a Storm

Lost in a storm

And Hupasha’s wife wanted the people across the mountains to know about Jesus.  So she told Hupasha that she would go.  So Hupasha, with his wife and children set off across the mountains to tell the people the good news.  They knew if they started right away, that they could reach their destination before they were trapped in the snow.
So Hupasha and his family left their comfortable mountain village and climbed up and over the high mountains.  They drank out of streams, and ate the food they brought with them.  When they had travelled for many days the snow started to softly fall.  Soon the wind blew harder and harder, and a blizzard had started.  The snows came very early that year, and the family was about to be trapped in the mountain.  Even though they were in a snowstorm, they trusted in Jesus.  They yelled and screamed His name in the blizzard.  They said, “Jisu!  Jisu!”, which is how Hupasha and his family pronounced the name of Jesus.
Suddenly they heard voices, and some people appeared out of the snow.  The people had heard them, and they had come to the end of their journey!  They were so happy that Jesus had sent people who could hear them!  They prayed to God and thanked Him for saving them, and giving them a chance to tell the mountain people about His Son.  The chief of the village sent for Hupasha to ask him why he had crossed the mountains in a snowstorm to visit his village.  Hupasha

Echoes of Glory – A true Story

Hupashas family starts into the high mountains

Once upon a time, long ago and far away, there was a man named Hupasha.  Hupasha lived in the high mountains with his family.  Hupasha and his family should have been happy, but they were always afraid.  They were afraid of ghosts and spirits in the mountains.  Every time something bad happened, they would have to give a gift to the witch doctor.  Every bad thing that happened made them poorer.  Hupasha did not want to be afraid anymore, but he did not know what to do.
One day, Hupasha heard about a man from far away.  Some people he knew told him he should go listen to this man from far away.  So Hupasha set out across the high mountains, and travelled for many days.  The sun was shining, but he was glad to reach the end of his journey.  He listened to the man from far away tell him about Jesus, the Son of God.  The man from far away told Hupasha that if he followed Jesus, he would not have to be afraid of spirits any more.  Hupasha was very happy to hear this.  He told his family about Jesus.  They decided to follow Jesus.
Hupasha tells his family about the journey
Hupasha and his family became very happy, because they followed Jesus.  But one day, Hupasha remembered some people far away who did not know about Jesus.  He knew that they were still afraid of evil spirits.  Hupasha knew that he must go to these people and tell them how to be free.  Hupasha told his wife about his idea.  Before she became a Christian, she would have been afraid to cross the mountains, because winter was coming.  Hupasha told her that God would take care of them.  And Hupasha’s wife wanted the people
(to be continued)