Windstorm Flattens Orphanage!

Yangon Orphans (2008)

The Asias Children orphanage home has been knocked down by a storm.  We have not received complete information about the disaster yet, since the government clamps down on travel and communication when events such as this occur.  We do know that the children were moved out of the home by a foresighted caretaker and that all survived the storm.  When we know more about the current circumstances of the children we will report that.
This storm highlights the need for a permanent orphanage to be built in a better area.  Since it will require time to raise funds for that new facility, we are going to try to implement a temporary solution of partnering with an existing orphanage in the new area by giving them funds to add capacity for our children, then send the monthly money there until a more permanent solution can be arranged.  We are still waiting to hear if that is a possibility.
If we cannot arrange things in time, we may have to invest in another temporary orphanage on the old site.  This is not as good of an option since it uses up funds that would be better spent getting the children to a safer area.  Please pray about this, and help financially if you can.